My first present from Kristin Jed and Savannah

My first present from Kristin Jed and Savannah
1973 MARTIN D-28

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Good morning, It is 5:00am California time. I woke up at 2:00 am which would be 5:00am PA time. My body wakes up automatically at that time. I think I will go wash my bike. A couple of days ago when I left the bad lands to go to cody I also was able to ride out to Devils Tower area or I should say to the point I could see Devils Tower. It was a 28 mile off of highway 90. A real beautiful ride. It was around 7:00am and I was the only person driving that way at the time. I drove about 20 miles and was able to see the tower. Its quite a sight. I figured sense I could see it I didn't need to drive all the way there and touch it. That day was a real sight seeing day. It included the badlands state park, Mount Rushmore, the Black Forest, Deadwood. When I left Deadwood and went to Cody I took highway 14 through Buffalo, Wyoming. The road takes you through Tensleep canyon. It is an awesome ride and the Mountains are spectacular. This is before Yellow Stone. Yellow Stone is still a couple of hours away. The man at the buffalo visitor center where I stopped told me to go that way through Tensleep because it is so scenic. He also told me to turn off on to this other road and that is would cut off a little time and was also more scenic than the other way. I don't know what the other way looked like but the way I went was like being in Hell. It was so hot, at least 105 degrees, and there was not a tree in sight. I have never been in a state that could be a beautiful oasis and then turn into a Hot sightless hell hole, within a couple of miles. Before all this I stopped in Buffalo and washed my bike. I just could not take it anymore. It was full of dead bugs and dust and sun block lotion and gas. You get the picture. Anyway that's all for now. I am going to go wash my bike while the luggage is off of it. Have a good Day. Oh yea one more little thing. Now that I am talking about washing my bike. When I was in Deadwood I parked my bike in a parking garage. The place where I was staying didn't have parking on sight. Everybody parks in garages. When I was getting ready to leave I was in the garage loading by bike and there was this person ,a young man or boy, sweeping the garage with a small street sweeper that you drove. This thing was kicking up so much dust. When I got to my bike I noticed that it had about a eighth inch of dust on it. I could hear this noise of the sweeper a story above me. As soon as I started to load my bike the guy driving decided that it was time to sweep by me again and again. I mean dust was thick as fog. You could hardly breath and all my luggage was getting coated. I kept looking at him and he would smile. I was getting ready to start yelling, when he drove off. I told the man at the collection booth that the guy driving was a As------e. He kind of agreed. All is well. Have a good day. And I love you Kristin.

1 comment:

me said...

Love you too honey. Hug David and your momma for me. Say hi to all. Be very careful. I am doing this ride next year...really. We are missing you here but headed to the beach on Tuesday..that will keep us busy.
Love you