My first present from Kristin Jed and Savannah

My first present from Kristin Jed and Savannah
1973 MARTIN D-28

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A lot has changed since I took my motorcycle trip. My beautiful, loving, son and best friend lost his battle with leukemia on Jan. 3, 2010. It has been devastating. It seems like a nightmare. I miss him so much, everyday,every minute, every second. He brought so much light and life to our house. He was the most courageous and brave person I knew. No one, especially a boy so young and full of life, should have to go through what he did. He taught me a lot, about how to love the people who love you and how to laugh about stupid things that really don't mean much a all. I hope that Kristin and Savannah and I can go through life without feeling such despair. Some people say time will help but I can't see it. I know in my heart that Jed is alright and he touched so many people in his short life. I know his beautiful spirit and soul are in a better plane. I know that he doesn't hurt anymore and does not have to be scared. With all that said, I still need to feel and see him. I'm selfish in that way. Anyone who wants to read about Jed can at I am going to start writing more about Jed and my life and whats going on, for whoever wants to read it. It helps me. bye for now

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Danny, There's no way that you can "heal" death's shock & sting, particularly the loss of an angel such as and as young as Jed. This is one of those "forever" - for the rest of your life type of loss. But how you deal with this experience will demonstrate the courage that Jed's influence left on your life. For example, how would Jed want you to respond? Only time will tell how this has changed you. In the long run, some never get over the depression, bitterness & loneliness. On the other hand, you could work on honoring his memory by adopting his characteristics, like the way he loved others who loved him and his cheerful demeanor and sense of humor in how he mocked the "Sewer People" (that cracked me up & ticked me off at the same time). I know positively that your angel-son's life left a permanent positive effect on your life. Don't let anything rob you of that - ever. Honor him. Writing is therapy and it's therapy for me to read it also. It helps everyone. God Bless you, friend. I have so much more I could say, but not about me. Write more about how Jed knew how to give love to others who loved him. I'd like to know. Forever there - Susan