My first present from Kristin Jed and Savannah

My first present from Kristin Jed and Savannah
1973 MARTIN D-28

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Beautiful lady

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Janiece was a beautiful lady. When Jed was first diagnosed with leukemia ,I was not able to go to clinic to often. I could probably count on one hand how many times I went those first couple of years. When I did go, I would wait out in the hall and read or nap. Janiece was one of the first ladies that I met there. It took me years to get to know any of the nurses, Doctors, and social workers, that were involved in Jed and Kristin's life. I was usually working. What I remember most about Janiece ,was that when she would see me sitting out in the hall, she would make it a point to come and sit by me and ask me how I was doing. When I would start to tell her about how Kristin and Jed was doing she would say that" is good but how are you doing"? She would listen as I would tell her how I felt. She would hug me when we were finished. She was such a caring and sweet soul. She loved Jed and was such a huge part of Jed's life at the clinic. Jed loved her. I know that Jed was there to meet Janiece and let her know that he is O.K. I am so lucky to have known her the little bit that I did. Cancer Sucks. As usual the pictures I post have very little to do with what I write. This is a canning weekend and the students of Penn State are out collecting money for THON. All money goes to help find a cure for pediatric cancer and to help the family's with children that are fighting cancer. Please give. You can go to Savannah or Kristin's blog to find out more about THON and how to give. Thank You.

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