When I left here 7582 miles ago, I left wearing a tee shirt. I didn't have to put on a coat until It started raining in Salt Lake City. Coming home ,I wore a rain coat all the way home, starting from Salt Lake City. When I finally left York Nebraska it was 6:00am. I rode for a little over 1000 miles and ended up In a little town in Ohio. With getting lost, I arrived at La Siesta motel at about Midnight. It was 18 hours. 10 of those hours was in the pouring rain. Then when I left this morning ,it was pretty much solid rain until I arrived home. It was the kind of rain where the cars were going 30 MPH on the turnpike with their emergency blinkers on. Even with all the rain gear on I was still soaking wet. You could not have picked worse conditions for summer. Thank goodness I made it without any problems. It's great to be home and sleeping in my own bed, lying next to Kristin, touching, feeling???!!:""****. Um, ahh, it's nice to be dry. I had a great trip and it was nice seeing my mother and son and granddaughter ,and my friend rick. America is a beautiful country and I feel very lucky to live here. For the most part the weather was great. This was a trip that I always wanted to do. Now that it is done I am thinking Africa might be nice to see on a bike. I'll write more about my trip and life later. goodnight ya'all.