My first present from Kristin Jed and Savannah

My first present from Kristin Jed and Savannah
1973 MARTIN D-28

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hello people, I left mitchell this morning at 6:30am. It was a little cool and I had to use my levi jacket. It 's great to ride in the morning. It is my favorite time to ride. There's not a lot of traffic and the weather is cool. I rode about 200 miles to the badlands national park. The ride was awesome. The roads are newly paved and straight for miles. I won't tell you how fast I went or how I drove for five miles with no hands. The road was perfect. Before I arrived at the badlands park I stopped at a little place that has petrified wood and fossils of shell fish in rocks that are from the badlands. Then I went to the badlands national park. It is a real breathtaking place. The views are spectacular. I drove through the park and came out at walls SD. Another little town that sells all the tourist stuff. From walls I went to Mount Rushmore. Everything about it is big. It is a true marvel..Then from Mount Rushmore I rode to Deadwood, and now I am staying at the Bullock Hotel. It is a very old hotel. It's pretty cool. I am very sunburned on my face and lips. Today was the first day that I didn't wear a helmet and I think that had something to do with me getting so sunburned. Now it is time to say goodnight. Tomorrow I will be going somewhere else. Danny

1 comment:

me said...

sunblock babe...sunblock...see what happens when I'm not there to take care of stuff?! don't ride too far tomorrow..luv u